Izvestiia Soveta Rabochikh Deputatov

Izvestiia Soveta Rabochikh Deputatov


(News of the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies), information bulletin, organ of the St. Petersburg Soviet of Workers’ Deputies. Published from Oct. 17 (30) to Dec. 14 (27), 1905. Ten issues came out; Number 11 was confiscated in the printing plant on December 19 (Jan. 1, 1906). Its circulation was about 40,000.

The Izvestiia propagandized demands for the convening of a Constituent Assembly and the establishing of a democratic republic; freedom of speech, the press, and religion; national equality; the transfer of land to the peasants; and the eight-hour workday. In December 1905 it called on the workers and soldiers to prepare for an armed uprising. It published information on the activity of the soviet and the Soviet’s resolutions. There was no permanent editorial board. Material was written by members of the soviet and printed on the presses of bourgeois newspapers.