


a hill with the remains of a settlement of many levels near the city of Piatra-Neamţ. in Rumania. Excavations were conducted from 1936 to 1948. Five horizons dating from the Neolithic and Aeneolithic periods were isolated in the 3-m thick cultural level. The oldest of these belong to the Pre-Cucuteni II—III culture (contemporary of the early Tripol’e culture), and the later ones belong to the Cucuteni A and Gorodişte-Erbiceni cultures (which correspond to the developed Tripol’e and, partially, to the late Tripol’e culture). Among the items found at Izvoare are dwellings; vessels with monochrome and polychrome designs; work tools made of stone, bone, and horn; figurines of humans and animals; and copper ornaments. The Aeneolithic levels were disturbed by the rich graves of the fourth century A.D. and the medieval Moldavian burials of the 14th to the 17th centuries.


Vulpe, R. Ízvoare: Sdpdturile din 1937–1948. Bucharest, 1957.