Jullian, Camille
Jullian, Camille
(kämē`yə zhülyäN`), 1859–1933, French historian. His monumental Histoire de la Gaule (8 vol., 1908–26) combines scholarly erudition with colorful style and remains the most authoritative work on Gaul from 600 B.C. to the end of Roman rule. A disciple of Fustel de CoulangesFustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 1830–89, French historian. His masterly study, La Cité antique (1864, tr. The Ancient City, 1874), stressed the influence of primitive religion on the development of Greek and Roman institutions.
..... Click the link for more information. , Jullian also prepared the revision of Fustel's study of medieval institutions.