Kennedy syndrome

Ken·ne·dy syn·drome

(ken'ĕ-dē), ipsilateral optic atrophy with central scotoma and contralateral choked disc or papilledema, caused by a meningioma of the ipsilateral optic nerve. Synonym(s): Foster Kennedy syndrome

Ken·ne·dy syn·drome

(ken'ĕ-dē sin'drōm) Ipsilateral optic atrophy with central scotoma and contralateral choked disc or papilledema, caused by a meningioma of the ipsilateral optic nerve.
Synonym(s): Foster Kennedy syndrome.


Robert Foster, U.S. neurologist, 1884-1952. Foster Kennedy syndrome - Synonym(s): Kennedy syndromeKennedy syndrome - ipsilateral optic atrophy with central scotoma and contralateral choked disk or papilledema, caused by a meningioma of the ipsilateral optic nerve. Synonym(s): Foster Kennedy syndrome