Acronym | Definition |
IRO➣In Receipt Of |
IRO➣International Relations Office |
IRO➣Independent Review Organization (insurance industry) |
IRO➣International Ragnarok Online (gaming) |
IRO➣In Respect Of |
IRO➣International Refugee Organization |
IRO➣Individuele Reintegratie Overeenkomst (Dutch: Individual Reintegration Agreement; unemployment benefits) |
IRO➣Inland Revenue Ordinance |
IRO➣Investor Relations Officer |
IRO➣Information Resource Officer (US Department of State) |
IRO➣Industrial Relations Ordinance (Pakistan) |
IRO➣Iron Rock Off Road, Inc (Shakopee, MN) |
IRO➣Internationale Rettungshunde Organisation (German: International Rescue Dog Organisation) |
IRO➣International Rescue Dog Organisation |
IRO➣International Relief Organization |
IRO➣Indian Robotics Olympiad (Bangalore, India) |
IRO➣Interim Receiving Order (UK courts) |
IRO➣Interest Rate Option |
IRO➣Independent Rental Owners |
IRO➣Institution of Railway Operators (UK) |
IRO➣Internal Review Office |
IRO➣Industrial Relations Office |
IRO➣In Region Of |
IRO➣International Regulatory Outlook (FSA, London, UK) |
IRO➣International Relief Officer (airlines) |
IRO➣Independent Research Organization |
IRO➣United Nations International Refugee Organization |
IRO➣Instructor Rated Operator |
IRO➣Incident Response Operations (NRC) |
IRO➣Isolant Rigide Ordinaire (French: Stiff Ordinary Insulation) |
IRO➣Investment Research Outsourcing |
IRO➣Insulated Uranium Oxide |
IRO➣Independent Review Officer/Office |
IRO➣Istanbul Turist Rehberleri Odasi (Turkey, Istanbul tourist guides union) |
IRO➣Internal Replenishment Order (Inventory Control Application Systems) |
IRO➣Indian Research Organisation |