iron deficiency


 [de-fish´en-se] a lack or shortage; a condition characterized by the presence of less than the normal or necessary supply or competence.color vision deficiency see color vision deficiency.deficiency disease a condition due to dietary or metabolic deficiency, including all diseases caused by an insufficient supply of essential nutrients.iron deficiency deficiency of iron in the system, as from blood loss, low dietary iron, or a disease condition that inhibits iron uptake. See iron and anemia" >iron deficiency anemia.

iron deficiency

A relative or absolute deficiency of iron which may be due to chelation in the GI tract, loss due to acute or chronic hemorrhage or dietary insufficiency Sources Meat, poultry, eggs, vegetables, cereals, especially if fortified with iron; per the National Academy of Sciences, RDA of iron is 15 mg/day for ♀, 10 mg/day for ♂