Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

Joint Com·mis·sion on Ac·cre·di·ta·tion of Health·care Or·ga·ni·za·tions (JCAHO),

(joynt kŏ-mish'ŭn ă-kre'di-tā'shŭn helth kār ōr'ga'ni-zā'shŭn), A private, voluntary, not-for-profit group that provides accreditation to U.S. hospitals and other health care facilities (for example, long-term care, mental health, ambulatory care). Formerly JCAH. organizations in the U.S. including hospitals and other organizations providing home care, long-term care, mental health care, and ambulatory care services.

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

Hospital practice An independent, nonprofit organization sponsored by a number of medical associations that performs accreditation reviews primarily on hospitals, other institutional facilities, outpatient facilities and healthcare organizations, the purpose of which is to maintain a high standard of institutional care, by both establishing guidelines for the operation of hospitals and other–psychiatric, ambulatory and long-term healthcare facilities, 'policing' those facilities through surveys and periodic inspections

Joint Com·mis·sion on Ac·cre·di·ta·tion of Health·care Or·ga·ni·za·tions

(JCAHO) (joynt kŏ-mishŏn ă-kredi-tāshŭn helthkār ōrgăn-ī-zāshŭnz) An independent nonprofit organization that evaluates and accredits health care organizations and programs in the United States.

Joint Com·mis·sion on Ac·cre·di·ta·tion of Health·care Or·ga·ni·za·tions

(JCAHO) (joynt kŏ-mishŏn ă-kredi-tāshŭn helthkār ōrgăn-ī-zāshŭnz) A private, voluntary, not-for-profit group that provides accreditation to U.S. hospitals and other health care facilities.