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iron hand
iron handn. Rigorous or despotic control. i′ron·hand′ed (ī′ərn-hăn′dĭd) adj.i′ron·hand′ed·ness n.iron hand n harsh or rigorous control; overbearing or autocratic force: he ruled with an iron hand. i′ron hand′ n. strict control. [1840–50] i′ron-hand′ed, adj. iron hand
an iron hand1. A particularly severe, forceful, and uncompromising manner of doing something. Tom is in for it now with his wife. She might seem like a nice lady to us, but she runs her house with an iron hand.2. A person who does things in such a manner. The new leader of the country rose to power with promises of democracy and equality, but he soon proved to be an iron hand as his despotic intentions came to light.See also: hand, ironiron handA manner that is severe, forceful, or uncompromising. Grandma runs the house with an iron hand—if you break a rule, you're grounded for weeks.See also: hand, ironiron handRigorous control, as in He ruled the company with an iron hand. This usage is sometimes put as iron hand in a velvet glove, meaning "firm but seemingly gentle control," as in She runs the town with an iron hand in a velvet glove. [c. 1700] See also: hand, ironan iron ˈfist/ˈhand (in a velvet ˈglove) harsh treatment of somebody that is hidden behind a gentle manner: The president ruled his country by using an iron fist in a velvet glove.See also: fist, hand, iron |