Kazakh Pedagogical Institute

Kazakh Pedagogical Institute


(full name, Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute). The institute was founded in Alma-Ata in 1928 with three separate divisions: physics and mathematics, natural sciences, and linguistics and literature. In 1930 it became an independent institution of higher learning. In 1935 the name of Abai Kunanbaev was conferred upon the institute.

The school comprises (1972) the departments of physics, mathematics, natural geography, philology, history, and graphic arts. It has a division for preparing people for the entrance examinations, a correspondence school, and a graduate school. The institute also has 33 subdepartments, 15 study laboratories, and an agronomic and biological station. The institute’s library has approximately 500, 000 holdings.

During the 1971–72 academic year there were more than 7, 000 students at the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute and approximately 400 instructors, including six academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 14 professors and doctors of sciences, and 161 docents and candidates ofsciences. The institute has the right to accept doctoral and candidate dissertations for defense. The institute has been publishing Uchenye zapiski since 1940 and interuniversity collections since 1968. Over the years, the institute has trained about 25, 000 specialists.