Intrafactory Turnover

Intrafactory Turnover


the value of items produced in a factory and consumed for its own industrial and production needs. Intrafactory turnover consists of the value of semiprocessed materials and items prepared in the factory for use in the production of goods (for example, the value of steel produced by the factory itself to be made into rolled steel stock; the value of processed parts made at the factory and necessary for producing a finished product); the value of products supplied by auxiliary workshops (such as electrical energy, steam, and compressed air); the value of materials produced in the factory that are necessary for the continuous repair and maintenance of buildings, structures, and transport equipment (for instance, factory production of spare parts for its own technological, transport, and other equipment); the consumption of instrumental tooling made at the factory (instruments, devices, presses, models, molds, and the like); and the value of the basic services used for production (services by the factory transport system, maintenance services, and others).

Intrafactory turnover can also be determined by the difference between gross turnover and gross production, as calculated by the factory method. The size of this difference depends on the structure of the enterprise and the complexity of its production system, as well as on the degree to which the accounting method used by the enterprise reflects the recurring costs of industrial and production expenses. These factors must be taken into account in the analysis of intrafactory turnover indexes.


Ezhov, A. I. Statistika promyshlennosti. Moscow, 1965. Chapter 3.
Kuparadze, G. Z. Spravochnik ekonomista. Tbilisi, 1960. Chapter 3, pp. 104-24.
Tekhniko-ekonomicheskoe planirovanie na mashinostroitel’nom zavode. Moscow, 1966. Chapter 4, pp. 163-244.