Acronym | Definition |
IRPA➣Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique (French: Royal Institute of Artistic Heritage; Brussels, Belgium) |
IRPA➣Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) |
IRPA➣International Radiation Protection Association |
IRPA➣International Rugby Players Association |
IRPA➣Intensification of Research in Priority Areas |
IRPA➣Institut de Recherche sur le Profil d'Apprentissage (French: Learning Profile Research Institute; Canada) |
IRPA➣International Retinitis Pigmentosa Association |
IRPA➣Interest Rate Protection Agreement |
IRPA➣Idaho Recreation and Park Association |
IRPA➣Individual Risk per Annum (risk assessment) |
IRPA➣Indonesian Risk Professionals Association |
IRPA➣Institut de Rééducation Psychothérapique pour Adolescents (French: Psychotherapy Rehabilitation Institute for Teens) |