


a village on the shores of the Federsee in Baden-Württemberg, German Federal Republic. Near Aichbühl remains of a Neolithic settlement (end of the third millennium B.C.) pertaining to the second period of the so-called Danube cultures were uncovered in the peat. Foundations of 22 two-room houses with hearths and two structures that may have been used for communal purposes were discovered at the site. The walls consist of split logs arranged vertically. The population engaged primarily in hunting, but it also farmed wheat and barley and bred cattle, bulls, sheep, and swine. Characteristic of Aichbühl are high-pedestal cups and bowls with cylindrical handles. Small polished stone hatchets and bone implements (hoes and others) were discovered at the site.


Clark, G. H. D. Doistoricheskaia Evropa. Moscow, 1953. Pages 151–52. (Translated from English.)