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aichmophobia (ˌeɪkməˈfəʊbɪə) nthe fear of pointed objects, esp needles, pins, etcaichmophobiaan abnormal fear of pointed objects.See also: Sharpnessaichmophobia
aichmophobia[‚āk·mō′fōb·ē·ə] (psychology) Abnormal fear of sharp or pointed objects. aichmophobia
aich·mo·pho·bi·a (īk-mō-fō'bē-ă), Morbid fear of being touched by the finger or any slender pointed object. [G. aichmē, a point, + phobos, fear] aichmophobia Morbid fear of needles.
Aichmophobia Psychology Fear of needles or pointed objects. See Phobia.aichmophobia Psychology Fear of needles or pointed objects. See Phobia. aichmophobia (āk″mō-fō′bē-ă) [Gr. aichmē, spear point + -phobia] Morbid fear of being touched by pointed objects or fingers. |