Acronym | Definition |
ITE➣In the Event (various organizations) |
ITE➣Institute of Transportation Engineers |
ITE➣Institute of Technical Education |
ITE➣Isolation Thermique par l'Extérieur (French: External Thermal Insulation) |
ITE➣Initial Teacher Education (UK) |
ITE➣In the Ear |
ITE➣Integration Test Engineer |
ITE➣Information Technology Equipment |
ITE➣Instrumentation Test Equipment |
ITE➣If-Then-Else (computer programming) |
ITE➣Integrated Telecom Express |
ITE➣Integrated Technology Express |
ITE➣It's the End |
ITE➣Integrated Training Environment (US Army) |
ITE➣International Tourism Exhibition (various locations) |
ITE➣Institute of Terrestrial Ecology |
ITE➣In This Economy |
ITE➣Institute of Traffic Engineers |
ITE➣Intensieve Therapie Eenheid (Dutch: Intensive Therapy Unit) |
ITE➣Independent Test & Evaluation |
ITE➣Industrial Technical Education (various organizations) |
ITE➣Independent Trading Exchange |
ITE➣Integrated Test Environment |
ITE➣Integrated Terminal Equipment |
ITE➣Intersite Transportation Equipment (US NASA) |
ITE➣Information Technologies Engineering (UCONN) |
ITE➣Inverse Time Element (circuits) |
ITE➣International Theological Education (Christianity) |
ITE➣Institute of Technical Editors |
ITE➣Integrated Transport Environment (European Union) |
ITE➣Institute of Telecommunications Engineers |
ITE➣Integrated Traffic Engineering |
ITE➣Integrated Terminal Emulator |
ITE➣Instrument Test Engineer |
ITE➣Integral Throat and Entrances (of rocket nozzles) |
ITE➣Integrated Training Event |
ITE➣Internal Time Entry |
ITE➣Industrial Technology Equipment |
ITE➣Instituto Técnico Empresarial (Guatemala school) |
ITE➣Intelligent Tutoring Environment |
ITE➣Information Technology toward Empowerment |