intrauterine pressure catheter

intrauterine pressure catheter

Obstetrics A device inserted between the uterine wall and the fetus to measure the intensity of contractions in a ♀ who has received oxytocin. Cf Internal fetal monitoring.

in·tra·u·ter·ine pres·sure cath·e·ter

(IUPC) (intră-yūtĕr-in preshŭr kathĕ-tĕr) Tubular device introduced into the uterus during delivery to measure the increasing strength of contractions.

intrauterine pressure catheter

Abbreviation: IUPC
A catheter inserted into the uterus of a woman during labor, when labor is protracted, arrested, or when the force of uterine contractions are difficult to monitor indirectly. See also: catheter