Josef Zubatý

Zubatý, Josef


Born Apr. 20, 1855, in Prague; died there Mar. 21, 1931. Czech philologist; academician (1904) and president (after 1923) of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1924). Specialist in Indian and classical philology, comparative grammar, and the comparative historical syntax of the Indo-European languages (mainly the Baltic and Slavic). Zubaty also studied the Czech language. He compiled an etymological dictionary of Lithuanian.


Studie a články, vols. 1–2. Prague, 1945–54. (Vol. 1: Výklady etymologické a lexikální; vol. 2: Výklady tvaroslovné, syntaktické a jiné.)


Liapunov, B. M. “Iosif Zubatyi.” Trudy In-ta slavianovedeniia AN SSSR, 1932, vol. 1.
Havränek, B. “Josef Zubatý.” In the collection Ročenka Slovanského ústavu, za rok 1931. Prague, 1932.