jobseekers allowance
Jobseeker's Allowance
jobseekers allowance
the weekly payment made to unemployed people to provide them with some minimum standard of living until they can secure new paid employment. The jobseekers allowance replaced ‘unemployment benefit’ in 1996, reflecting a more ‘positive’ approach to solving the problem of UNEMPLOYMENT. The current allowance rates payable (as at January 2005) are: £44.05p for age group 16 to 24 and £55.65p for persons over 25. See NEW DEAL, DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS, JOB CENTRE.jobseekers allowance
the TRANSFER PAYMENT made to unemployed people to provide them with some minimum standard of living until they can secure new paid employment. The jobseekers allowance replaced ‘unemployment benefit’ in 1996, reflecting a more ‘positive’ approach to solving the problem of UNEMPLOYMENT. The current allowance rates payable (as at January 2005) are: £44.05 for the age group 16 to 24 and £55.65 for people over 25. The jobseekers allowance is paid by JOBCENTRE PLUS, which is part of the DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS.In most countries, workers in employment pay NATIONAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS to the government in return for jobseeker allowance rights. See GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE, SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS, JOB CENTRE, REGISTERED UNEMPLOYMENT.