


a site of a fortified settlement located 8 km northwest of Pskov. In the eighth to tenth centuries Kamno was a fortified artisan settlement, in which the working of iron and copper was developed. Excavations (in 1948^9 and 1951–52) have revealed foundry workshops, bloomeries and altars connected with them, crucibles, foundry ladles, small molds for the casting of small ornaments, and small stone slabs with designs. In the 12th century, when Pskov flourished, the fortified Kamno settlement went into a decline, but a graveyard of the same name existed until the 16th century.


Tarakanova, S. A. “Pskovskie gorodishcha.” In the collection Kratkiesoobshcheniia Instituta istorii materiaVnoi kul’tury, fasc. 62. Moscow, 1956.