irreversible hydrocolloid

ir·re·vers·i·ble hy·dro·col·loid

a hydrocolloid the physical state of which is changed by an irreversible chemical reaction when water is added to a powder and an insoluble substance is formed.

irreversible hydrocolloid

A hydrosol of alginic acid whose physical state is changed by an irreversible chemical reaction, forming insoluble calcium alginate. This substance is called alginate or dental alginate. Alginate is used in dentistry as a primary impression material. Synonym: alginate


Care should be taken not to inhale the dust created by alginate.
See also: hydrocolloid

ir·re·vers·i·ble hy·dro·col·loid

(irrĕ-vĕrsi-bĕl hīdrō-koloyd) A hydrocolloid the physical state of which is changed by an irreversible chemical reaction when water is added to a powder and an insoluble substance is formed.