

(programming)A component architecture for the Javaprogramming language, developed initially by Sun, but nowavailable from several other vendors. JavaBeans componentsare called "beans".

JavaBeans allows developers to create reusable softwarecomponents that can then be assembled together using visualapplication builder tools including Sybase's PowerJ,Borland's JBuilder, IBM's Visual Age for Java,SunSoft's Java Workshop and Symantec's Visual Cafe.

JavaBeans support Introspection (a builder tool can analyzehow a Bean works), Customisation (developers can customise theappearance and behaviour of a Bean), Events (Beans cancommunicate), Properties (developers can customise and programwith Beans(?)) and Persistence (customised Beans can be storedand reused).


A component software architecture from Oracle that runs in the Java environment. JavaBeans are independent Java program modules that are called for and executed. They have been used primarily for developing user interfaces at the client side. The server-side counterpart is Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). See EJB and component software.