Kashgar Mountains

Kashgar Mountains


(Kungur Muztagh), a mountain range in China, the western terminus of the Kunlun Mountains, located between the Gezdar’ia and Tashkurgan rivers. The range is approximately 100 km long; its highest peaks are Mount Kungur (7, 579 m) and Muztagata (7, 555 m). Elevations of 5, 000–6, 000 m predominate. The range is formed primarily of gneisses, granites, and quartzites. It has sharp ridges, rocky steep slopes, and deep gorges. The area of glaciation is more than 600 sq km. In the north are mountain steppes; in the south and east, semideserts and deserts; and in the river valleys, tugai vegetation (bottomland complex with forests, bushes, and meadows).