Kashkin, Ivan Aleksandrovich
Kashkin, Ivan Aleksandrovich
Born June 24 (July 6), 1899, in Moscow; died there Nov. 26, 1963. Soviet Russian translator and critic.
Kashkin graduated from the Second Moscow State University in 1924 and taught at higher educational institutions in Moscow. He developed the principles of the creative reproduction of the style and individual manner of the author being translated and trained a considerable group of translators from English. He translated on a high philological level—for example, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, which he translated with O. Rumer in 1946. Kashkin propagated the best achievements of contemporary English and American poetry (R. Frost, C. Sandburg) and prose (E. Hemingway, E. Caldwell, and J. Wain) and wrote historicalliterary research works on J. Conrad, R. L. Stevenson, W. Faulkner, and E. Hemingway.
“Kheminguei.’ In the collection Prometei: Istoriko-biograficheskii al’manakh, vol. 1. Moscow, 1966.Ernest Kheminguei. Moscow, 1966.
Dlia chitatelia-sovremennika. Moscow, 1968.