


an urban-type settlement in Krasnodar Krai, RSFSR, a climatic seaside health resort. It is on the shore ofTsemes Bay on the Black Sea, 21 km southeast of the city ofNovorossiisk, with which it has bus connections. It has verywarm summers (mean temperature in August of 24°C) and mildwinters ( −3°C in January). Annual precipitation is 280 mm. Inwinter and fall, northeasterly winds often blow. Treatments atKabardinka include climatic therapy, sea bathing (from June tothe beginning of October), and the grape cure. It also has a well-equipped pebble beach, with a sandy, gradually sinking bottom.Nontubercular diseases of organs of breathing and functionaldisorders of the nervous system are treated there. Kabardinkaalso has a sanatorium for children suffering from pulmonarytuberculosis, as well as regular sanatoriums for children andjuveniles, a resort hotel, and tourist centers.