

单词 introduce



I0208300 (ĭn′trə-do͞os′, -dyo͞os′)tr.v. in·tro·duced, in·tro·duc·ing, in·tro·duc·es 1. a. To present (someone) by name to another in order to establish an acquaintance.b. To present (a performer, for example) to the public for the first time.c. To make preliminary remarks about; preface: introduced the slide show with a brief talk.2. To put forward (a plan, for example) for consideration; propose.3. To provide (someone) with a beginning knowledge or first experience of something: introduced me to weightlifting.4. a. To bring in and establish in a new place or environment: exotic plants that were introduced into gardening; a disease that was introduced into the Americas.b. To bring into currency, use, or practice; originate: introduced the new product in several test markets; introduced the tango into their circle of friends.5. To put inside or into; insert or inject: introduced a catheter into an artery; introduced realism to crime fiction.
[Middle English introducen, to bring into, from Latin intrōdūcere : intrō-, within; see en in Indo-European roots + dūcere, to lead; see deuk- in Indo-European roots.]
in′tro·duc′er n.in′tro·duc′i·ble adj.Synonyms: introduce, insert, interject, interpolate, interpose
These verbs mean to put or set a person or thing into, between, or among others: introduce suspense into a novel; insert a letter into an envelope; interject a comment into a conversation; interpolated a transitional passage into the text; interposed himself between the scrapping boys. See Also Synonyms at broach1.


(ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs) vb (tr) 1. (often foll by to) to present (someone) by name (to another person) or (two or more people to each other)2. (foll by to) to cause to experience for the first time: to introduce a visitor to beer. 3. to present for consideration or approval, esp before a legislative body: to introduce a draft bill. 4. to bring in; establish: to introduce decimal currency. 5. (Broadcasting) to present (a radio or television programme, etc) verbally6. (foll by with) to start: he introduced his talk with some music. 7. (often foll by into) to insert or inject: he introduced the needle into his arm. 8. to place (members of a species of plant or animal) in a new environment with the intention of producing a resident breeding population[C16: from Latin intrōdūcere to bring inside, from intro- + dūcere to lead] ˌintroˈducer n ˌintroˈducible adj


(ˌɪn trəˈdus, -ˈdyus)

v.t. -duced, -duc•ing. 1. to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted. 2. to acquaint (two or more persons) with each other personally: Will you introduce us? 3. to present (a person, product, etc.) to a group or to the general public for or as if for the first time by a formal act, announcement, etc.: to introduce a debutante to society. 4. to bring (a person) to first knowledge or experience of something: He introduced me to skiing. 5. to create, propose, bring into notice, use, etc., for or as if for the first time: to introduce a new idea. 6. to present for official consideration or action, as a legislative bill. 7. to begin; preface: to introduce a speech with an anecdote. 8. to put or place into something for the first time; insert: to introduce a figure into a design. 9. to bring in or establish, as something foreign, alien, or not native: a plant introduced into America. 10. to present (a speaker, performer, etc.) to an audience. 11. to present (a person) at a royal court. [1425–75; late Middle English < Latin intrōdūcere to lead in, introduce =intrō- intro- + dūcere to lead; compare duke] in`tro•duc′er, n. in`tro•duc′i•ble, adj. syn: introduce, present mean to bring persons into personal acquaintance with each other, as by announcement of names. introduce is the ordinary term, referring to making persons acquainted who are ostensibly equals: to introduce a friend to one's sister. present, a more formal term, suggests a degree of ceremony in the process, and implies (if only as a matter of compliment) superior dignity, rank, or importance in the person to whom another is presented: to present a visitor to the president.


Past participle: introduced
Gerund: introducing
I introduce
you introduce
he/she/it introduces
we introduce
you introduce
they introduce
I introduced
you introduced
he/she/it introduced
we introduced
you introduced
they introduced
Present Continuous
I am introducing
you are introducing
he/she/it is introducing
we are introducing
you are introducing
they are introducing
Present Perfect
I have introduced
you have introduced
he/she/it has introduced
we have introduced
you have introduced
they have introduced
Past Continuous
I was introducing
you were introducing
he/she/it was introducing
we were introducing
you were introducing
they were introducing
Past Perfect
I had introduced
you had introduced
he/she/it had introduced
we had introduced
you had introduced
they had introduced
I will introduce
you will introduce
he/she/it will introduce
we will introduce
you will introduce
they will introduce
Future Perfect
I will have introduced
you will have introduced
he/she/it will have introduced
we will have introduced
you will have introduced
they will have introduced
Future Continuous
I will be introducing
you will be introducing
he/she/it will be introducing
we will be introducing
you will be introducing
they will be introducing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been introducing
you have been introducing
he/she/it has been introducing
we have been introducing
you have been introducing
they have been introducing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been introducing
you will have been introducing
he/she/it will have been introducing
we will have been introducing
you will have been introducing
they will have been introducing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been introducing
you had been introducing
he/she/it had been introducing
we had been introducing
you had been introducing
they had been introducing
I would introduce
you would introduce
he/she/it would introduce
we would introduce
you would introduce
they would introduce
Past Conditional
I would have introduced
you would have introduced
he/she/it would have introduced
we would have introduced
you would have introduced
they would have introduced
Verb1.introduce - cause to come to know personallyintroduce - cause to come to know personally; "permit me to acquaint you with my son"; "introduce the new neighbors to the community"acquaint, presentinform - impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; "I informed him of his rights"familiarise, familiarize, acquaint - make familiar or conversant with; "you should acquaint yourself with your new computer"; "We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings"reintroduce, re-introduce - introduce anew; "We haven't met in a long time, so let me reintroduce myself"present - formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.introduce, bring out - bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
2.introduce - bring something new to an environment; "A new word processor was introduced"innovateinitiate, pioneer - take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; "This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants"phase in - introduce graduallypioneer, open up - open up an area or prepare a way; "She pioneered a graduate program for women students"debut - present for the first time to the public; "The band debuts a new song or two each month"
3.introduce - introduce; "Insert your ticket here"put in, stick in, inclose, insert, encloseplug - insert as a plug; "She plugged a cork in the wine bottle"plug - insert a plug into; "plug the wall"inoculate - introduce a microorganism intoinset - set or place inglass - put in a glass containercatheterise, catheterize - insert a catheter into (a body part); "catheterize the patient's bladder"cup - put into a cup; "cup the milk"interlard, intersperse - introduce one's writing or speech with certain expressionsfeed in, feed - introduce continuously; "feed carrots into a food processor"slip - insert inconspicuously or quickly or quietly; "He slipped some money into the waiter's hand"foist - insert surreptitiously or without warrantlay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"inject, shoot - force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing; "inject hydrogen into the balloon"
4.introduce - bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment; "He brought in a new judge"; "The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor"bring inimmigrate - introduce or send as immigrants; "Britain immigrated many colonists to America"track - carry on the feet and deposit; "track mud into the house"insinuate - introduce or insert (oneself) in a subtle manner; "He insinuated himself into the conversation of the people at the nearby table"
5.introduce - bring in or establish in a new place or environment; "introduce a rule"; "introduce exotic fruits"establish, give - bring about; "The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth"interpose - introduce; "God interposed death"
6.introduce - put or introduce into something; "insert a picture into the text"infix, insert, enterattach - cause to be attachedplug in, plug into, connect - plug into an outlet; "Please plug in the toaster!"; "Connect the TV so we can watch the football game tonight"penetrate - insert the penis into the vagina or anus of; "Did the molester penetrate the child?"cannulate, cannulise, cannulize, canulate, intubate - introduce a cannula or tube into; "Cannulate the blood vessel in the neck"input - enter (data or a program) into a computerinstil, instill - enter drop by drop; "instill medication into my eye"embed, imbed, implant, plant, engraft - fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"sandwich - insert or squeeze tightly between two people or objects; "She was sandwiched in her airplane seat between two fat men"graft, transplant - place the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient
7.introduce - bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.bring outacquaint, introduce, present - cause to come to know personally; "permit me to acquaint you with my son"; "introduce the new neighbors to the community"
8.introduce - put before (a body); "introduce legislation"propose, project - present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.; "He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism"; "She proposed a new theory of relativity"
9.introduce - furnish with a preface or introduction; "She always precedes her lectures with a joke"; "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution"preface, premise, precedepreamble - make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal documentprologise, prologize, prologuize - write or speak a prologuesay, state, tell - express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name"
10.introduce - be a precursor of; "The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period"usher in, inauguratecommence, lead off, start, begin - set in motion, cause to start; "The U.S. started a war in the Middle East"; "The Iraqis began hostilities"; "begin a new chapter in your life"


verb1. bring in, establish, set up, start, begin, found, develop, launch, institute, organize, pioneer, initiate, originate, commence, get going, instigate, phase in, usher in, inaugurate, set in motion, bring into being The Government has introduced a number of other money-saving ideas.2. present, acquaint, make known, familiarize, do the honours, make the introduction Someone introduced us and I sat next to him.3. present, open, announce, launch, precede, lead into, preface, lead off 'Health Matters' is introduced by Dick Oliver on the World Service.4. suggest, offer, air, table, advance, propose, recommend, float, submit, bring up, put forward, set forth, ventilate, broach, moot She does not abandon her responsibility to introduce new ideas.5. add, insert, inject, throw in (informal), infuse, interpose, interpolate I wish to introduce a note of cool reason to the discussion.6. insert, put in, add, drive, shoot, feed, inject An operation can introduce air into the body.introduce someone to something or someone acquaint with, enlighten to, bring into contact with, familiarize with He introduced us to the delights of natural food.


verb1. To make known socially:acquaint, present.2. To make known the presence or arrival of:announce, herald, proclaim, usher in.3. To put forward (a topic) for discussion:bring up, broach, moot, put forth, raise.4. To bring into currency, use, fashion, or practice:launch, originate.5. To put or set into, between, or among another or other things:inject, insert, interject, interlard, interpolate, interpose.6. To begin (something) with preliminary or prefatory material:lead, precede, preface, usher in.


(intrəˈdjuːs) verb1. (often with to) to make (people) known by name to each other. He introduced the guests (to each other); Let me introduce you to my mother; May I introduce myself? I'm John Brown. 介紹 介绍2. (often with into) to bring in (something new). Grey squirrels were introduced into Britain from Canada; Why did you introduce such a boring subject (into the conversation)? 引進 引进3. to propose or put forward. He introduced a bill in Parliament for the abolition of income tax. 提出 提出4. (with to) to cause (a person) to get to know (a subject etc). Children are introduced to algebra at about the age of eleven. 介紹 介绍ˌintroˈduction (-ˈdakʃən) noun1. the act of introducing, or the process of being introduced. the introduction of new methods. 引進 引进2. an act of introducing one person to another. The hostess made the introductions and everyone shook hands. 介紹,引見 介绍,引见 3. something written at the beginning of a book explaining the contents, or said at the beginning of a speech etc. 引言,前言 序言,引言,导论 ˌintroˈductory (-ˈdaktəri) adjective giving an introduction. He made a few introductory remarks about the film before showing it. 介紹的,開場的 介绍的,引导的




introduce the shoemaker to the tailor

To kick someone in the buttocks. Primarily heard in UK. If you don't leave me alone, I'll introduce the shoemaker to the tailor!See also: introduce, tailor

introduce (someone, something, or oneself) into (something)

1. To assist someone as they join or begin something. I hope my sister will introduce me into her sorority once I start college.2. To join, begin, or become involved in something. In this usage, a reflexive pronoun is used between "introduce" and "into." He is trying to introduce himself into local politics.3. To add something new to something. I really liked how you introduced humor into the next section of the story, after such a dark beginning. We need to introduce some different textures into the room, maybe with a fun rug.See also: introduce

introduce (someone) to (someone)

To present someone to someone else for the first time so that they can become acquainted. Has anyone introduced you to Margo? Tim, this is Margo— Margo, Tim. I can't wait to introduce you to my best friend—she's going to love you.See also: introduce

I would like you to meet someone.

 and I would like to introduce you to someone.an expression used to introduce one person to another. (The word someone can be used as the someone.) Mary: I would like you to meet my Uncle Bill. Sally: Hello, Uncle Bill. Nice to meet you. Tom: I would like to introduce you to Bill Franklin. John: Hello, Bill. Glad to meet you. Bill: Glad to meet you, John.See also: like, meet

introduce someone into something

to bring someone into something; to launch someone into something. Tony introduced Wally into his club. You do not wish me to introduce myself into local social life, do you?See also: introduce

introduce someone to someone

to make someone acquainted with someone else. I would like to introduce you to my cousin, Rudolph. Allow me to introduce myself to you.See also: introduce

introduce something into something

to bring something into something or some place; to bring something into something as an innovation. The decorator introduced a little bit of bright red into the conference room. After I introduced the new procedures into the factory, production increased enormously.See also: introduce

let me (just) say

 and just let me saya phrase introducing something that the speaker thinks is important. Rachel: Let me say how pleased we all are with your efforts. Henry: Why, thank you very much. Bob: Just let me say that we're extremely pleased with your activity. Bill: Thanks loads. I did what I could.See also: let, say

to put it another way

 and put another waya phrase introducing a restatement of what someone, usually the speaker, has just said. Father: You're still very young, Tom. To put it another way, you don't have any idea about what you're getting into. John: Could you go back to your own room now, Tom? I have to study. Put another way, get out of here! Tom: Okay, okay. Don't get your bowels in an uproar!See also: another, put, way



(ĭn′trə-dōōs′)v.1. To put inside or into; insert or inject.2. To bring in and establish in a new place or environment.


  • all
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for introduce

verb bring in


  • bring in
  • establish
  • set up
  • start
  • begin
  • found
  • develop
  • launch
  • institute
  • organize
  • pioneer
  • initiate
  • originate
  • commence
  • get going
  • instigate
  • phase in
  • usher in
  • inaugurate
  • set in motion
  • bring into being

verb present


  • present
  • acquaint
  • make known
  • familiarize
  • do the honours
  • make the introduction

verb present


  • present
  • open
  • announce
  • launch
  • precede
  • lead into
  • preface
  • lead off

verb suggest


  • suggest
  • offer
  • air
  • table
  • advance
  • propose
  • recommend
  • float
  • submit
  • bring up
  • put forward
  • set forth
  • ventilate
  • broach
  • moot

verb add


  • add
  • insert
  • inject
  • throw in
  • infuse
  • interpose
  • interpolate

verb insert


  • insert
  • put in
  • add
  • drive
  • shoot
  • feed
  • inject

phrase introduce someone to something or someone


  • acquaint with
  • enlighten to
  • bring into contact with
  • familiarize with

Synonyms for introduce

verb to make known socially


  • acquaint
  • present

verb to make known the presence or arrival of


  • announce
  • herald
  • proclaim
  • usher in

verb to put forward (a topic) for discussion


  • bring up
  • broach
  • moot
  • put forth
  • raise

verb to bring into currency, use, fashion, or practice


  • launch
  • originate

verb to put or set into, between, or among another or other things


  • inject
  • insert
  • interject
  • interlard
  • interpolate
  • interpose

verb to begin (something) with preliminary or prefatory material


  • lead
  • precede
  • preface
  • usher in

Synonyms for introduce

verb cause to come to know personally


  • acquaint
  • present

Related Words

  • inform
  • familiarise
  • familiarize
  • acquaint
  • reintroduce
  • re-introduce
  • present
  • introduce
  • bring out

verb bring something new to an environment


  • innovate

Related Words

  • initiate
  • pioneer
  • phase in
  • open up
  • debut

verb introduce


  • put in
  • stick in
  • inclose
  • insert
  • enclose

Related Words

  • plug
  • inoculate
  • inset
  • glass
  • catheterise
  • catheterize
  • cup
  • interlard
  • intersperse
  • feed in
  • feed
  • slip
  • foist
  • lay
  • place
  • put
  • set
  • position
  • pose
  • inject
  • shoot

verb bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment


  • bring in

Related Words

  • immigrate
  • track
  • insinuate

verb bring in or establish in a new place or environment

Related Words

  • establish
  • give
  • interpose

verb put or introduce into something


  • infix
  • insert
  • enter

Related Words

  • attach
  • plug in
  • plug into
  • connect
  • penetrate
  • cannulate
  • cannulise
  • cannulize
  • canulate
  • intubate
  • input
  • instil
  • instill
  • embed
  • imbed
  • implant
  • plant
  • engraft
  • sandwich
  • graft
  • transplant

verb bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc


  • bring out

Related Words

  • acquaint
  • introduce
  • present

verb put before (a body)

Related Words

  • propose
  • project

verb furnish with a preface or introduction


  • preface
  • premise
  • precede

Related Words

  • preamble
  • prologise
  • prologize
  • prologuize
  • say
  • state
  • tell

verb be a precursor of


  • usher in
  • inaugurate

Related Words

  • commence
  • lead off
  • start
  • begin




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