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ir·ri·ta·tion fi·bro·maa slow-growing nodule on the oral mucosa, composed of fibrous tissue covered by epithelium, resulting from mechanical irritation by dentures, fillings, cheek biting, etc.ir·ri·ta·tion fi·bro·ma (ir'i-tā'shŭn fī-brō'mă) A slow-growing nodule on the oral mucosa, composed of fibrous tissue covered by epithelium; results from mechanical irritation caused by dentures, fillings, or from other sources, such as cheek biting. ir·ri·ta·tion fi·bro·ma (ir'i-tā'shŭn fī-brō'mă) Slow-growing nodule on oral mucosa, composed of fibrous tissue covered by epithelium, due to mechanical irritation by dentures, fillings, cheek biting, and other factors. |