Acronym | Definition |
IRS➣Internal Revenue Service (US government) |
IRS➣Insulin Receptor Substrate |
IRS➣Indoor Residual Spraying (mosquito control) |
IRS➣Independent Rear Suspension |
IRS➣Interest Rate Swap |
IRS➣Insulin Receptor Signaling |
IRS➣Indian Remote Sensing Satellite |
IRS➣Infrared Spectrograph |
IRS➣Image Retrieval System (computing) |
IRS➣Insulin Resistance Syndrome |
IRS➣Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme (German: Institute of Space Systems) |
IRS➣Information Retrieval System |
IRS➣InfoFrame Relational Store (NEC Corporation) |
IRS➣Indian Register of Shipping (Indian ship classification society) |
IRS➣Internal Rating System (finance) |
IRS➣Infra Red Sensor |
IRS➣International Retail Service |
IRS➣Internal Revenue Service |
IRS➣Interchange Record Separator |
IRS➣Initial Receive Sequence |
IRS➣Imposto Sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares (Portuguese tax) |
IRS➣Immune Reconstitution Syndrome |
IRS➣Interactive Response System (educational remote control) |
IRS➣Indus River System |
IRS➣Information Required Schedule (project planning) |
IRS➣Iron Replacement System (golf) |
IRS➣Inertial Reference System |
IRS➣Investment Research Service |
IRS➣Incident Reporting System |
IRS➣Interface Requirements Specification |
IRS➣Information Referral Services (Ontario, Canada) |
IRS➣Information Reporting System |
IRS➣Increasing Returns to Scale |
IRS➣Information and Referral Specialist (various organizations) |
IRS➣Indian Revenue Service (India) |
IRS➣Investor Relations Society |
IRS➣Interpreter Referral Service (various organizations) |
IRS➣International Register of Shipping (est. 1993; shipping industry) |
IRS➣Inventory Reduction Sale |
IRS➣Irwin R. Schyster (pro wrestler) |
IRS➣Internal Review Service (UK) |
IRS➣Identical, Related and Similar (US DHHS) |
IRS➣Improved Rain Suit (US Air Force) |
IRS➣International Radar Symposium |
IRS➣Institute of Regional Studies (Pakistan government) |
IRS➣Intelligence Research Specialist (FBI) |
IRS➣Integrated Resorts Scheme (Mauritius) |
IRS➣Intra Renal Surgery |
IRS➣Integrated Receivables Solutions (banking) |
IRS➣Informal Resolution System |
IRS➣Insurance Restoration Services, Inc. (New Jersey) |
IRS➣International Referral System (now INFOTERRA) |
IRS➣Inherited Runners Scored (baseball; runner on base who scores after a new pitcher enters) |
IRS➣Intel Research Seattle |
IRS➣International Rorschach Society |
IRS➣Illinois Radiological Society |
IRS➣Interest Rate Support |
IRS➣Independent Recyling Services |
IRS➣Infrared Locking System (automobiles) |
IRS➣Internationally Recruited Staff |
IRS➣Intermediate Reference System |
IRS➣International Research and Studies Program (US) |
IRS➣Intelligent Register System (Q.I. Press Controls) |
IRS➣individual replacement system (World War 2 troop rotation) |
IRS➣Industrial Relations Survey (UK) |
IRS➣Immunoreactive Remmele Score (cancer) |
IRS➣Information Receiving Station |
IRS➣Infrared Soldering |
IRS➣Interstate Repeater Society |
IRS➣Ionizing Radiation Standards Group (National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada) |
IRS➣I'll Return Shortly |
IRS➣Ignition Radiation Suppression |
IRS➣Interdisciplinary Research Support (various schools) |
IRS➣Incident Response Service |
IRS➣Inland Refugee Society (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) |
IRS➣Indian Remote Sensing System |
IRS➣Index of Retail Saturation |
IRS➣International Reference Star (set of star catalogs) |
IRS➣Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering |
IRS➣Item Reduction Study |
IRS➣Input Record Seperator (Perl programming language) |
IRS➣Imagery Requirements Structure |
IRS➣Increasing Radius Search |
IRS➣Individual Readiness Survey (education) |
IRS➣Infrastructure Requirements Specification |
IRS➣Interference Reduction System |
IRS➣Indefinite Reserve Status |
IRS➣Indiana Railroad System |
IRS➣Institute of Railway Signal Engineers (UK) |
IRS➣Infrared Suppressor |
IRS➣Installation Readiness System |
IRS➣Institute for Reactor Safety, Germany (now Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH) |
IRS➣Induction and Recruiting Station |
IRS➣Integrated Resource and Schedule |
IRS➣International Racing System |
IRS➣Integrated Reconstructed Spectrum |
IRS➣International Russian Society |
IRS➣Integrated Review Software |
IRS➣Impulse Radio Sequence |
IRS➣Inferno Reckless Summonn (Yu-Gi-Oh) |
IRS➣Individual Research Study |
IRS➣International Reply Service |