Jacques Cartier State Park

Jacques Cartier State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New York
Location:Off Route 12, 3 miles west of Morristown.
Facilities:Tent and trailer campsites (é), showers (é), picnic areas (é),pavilions, playground, food concession (é), beach, dockage, boatlaunch, nature trail.
Activities:Camping, hunting (with restrictions), boating (including powerboats), fishing, swimming, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:Park's sandy swimming beach is located in a sheltered bay on the SaintLawrence River. The park is open from mid-May through Columbus Dayweek-end.
Address:PO Box 380
Morristown, NY 13664

Web: www.nysparks.com/parks/info.asp?parkId=145
Size: 461 acres.

See other parks in New York.