Acronym | Definition |
ITO➣In Terms Of |
ITO➣Indium Tin Oxide |
ITO➣In That Order |
ITO➣Information Technology Outsourcing |
ITO➣International Terrorist Organizations |
ITO➣Industry Training Organisation (various locations) |
ITO➣Indian Tribal Organization |
ITO➣Information Technology Officer (various organizations) |
ITO➣Independent Transmission Operator (various locations) |
ITO➣International Trade Organization |
ITO➣Information Technology Office (DARPA) |
ITO➣International Trade Office (various locations) |
ITO➣Transient Outward Current |
ITO➣Istanbul Ticaret Odasi |
ITO➣Inventory Turnover |
ITO➣Information Technology Operations |
ITO➣Invitational Travel Order |
ITO➣International Thespian Officer (theater) |
ITO➣Integrated Task Order |
ITO➣Installation Transportation Office(r) |
ITO➣Income Tax Officer |
ITO➣Inquiry To Order |
ITO➣Installation Transportation Officer |
ITO➣Iraqi Theater of Operations |
ITO➣International Travel Order |
ITO➣Involuntary Treatment Order |
ITO➣Integrated Tasking Order |
ITO➣Hilo, HI, USA - Hilo Hawaii (Airport Code) |
ITO➣I'm Trippin Out |
ITO➣Instructions To Offerors |
ITO➣Inspecting Torpedo Officer (US Navy) |
ITO➣Istanbul Tabip Odasi |
ITO➣Immunology Today Online |
ITO➣Inactivity Time Out |
ITO➣International Technical Officer |
ITO➣Instrument Take Off |
ITO➣Independent Test Organization |
ITO➣International Technology Office |
ITO➣Identifying Technical Order |
ITO➣Interim Technical Order |
ITO➣Intermediate Transfer Orbit |
ITO➣Industrial Truck Operator (job title) |
ITO➣Interval Takeoff |
ITO➣Inspection, Test, and Operation |
ITO➣Indian Tourism Office (India) |
ITO➣Integrated Targeting Order |
ITO➣Izmir Ticaret Odasý (Turkey, Ýzmir Chamber of Commerce) |
ITO➣Information To Offerers |
ITO➣Integrated Tool Operations |