


a high-mountain settlement on the left bank of the Komidon River, in Digora Raion, Severnaia Osetiia ASSR. It has been known since the end of the 19th century from the numerous archaeological finds discovered in the surrounding burial grounds. Some objects date from the Koban culture of the late Bronze Age. The most richly represented are objects of the medieval culture of the Alani of the sixth to eleventh centuries a. d. found in the catacomb burials of the clan nobility undergoing feudalization: gold ornaments and coins (fifth- to ninth-century Byzantine, sixth-century Sassanid, and eighth-century Abbasid silver dirhems).


Kuznetsov, V. A. “Alanskie plemena Severnogo Kavkaza.” In the collection Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSR, no. 106. Moscow, 1962.