


inventories of the property of the feudal lords during the 16th to 18th centuries in the Rzecz Pospolita (the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania). These inventories contained information concerning the boundaries of holdings, the seignorial estate, the church and clergy, each of the villages of the lord, and the peasants’ farmsteads and the adequacy of their land, cattle, and implements. They also contained data concerning sources and amounts of revenue among the population of the listed properties. The inventories were compiled in the presence of witnesses, and the place and time of the compiling were indicated. They constitute a valuable source for the history of agrarian relations and the peasantry. Some of the elements of the inventari were reflected in the Inventari Rules of 1847–48.


Voronkov, I. A. “Inventari imenii—vazhnyi istochnik po istorii pol’skoifeodal’noi derevni.” Voprosy istorii, 1959, no. 4.