Jayadeva, Piyusavarsa

Jayadeva, Piyusavarsa


Date of birth and death unknown. Indian writer of the 12th century. Wrote in Sanskrit.

Jayadeva’s play Gracious Raghava, based on a legend about Rama, is distinguished by a refined and affected style; it is a typical example of the epigonic Sanskrit literature of the Middle Ages; imitation of Kalidasa, and especially Murari, is noticeable. Jayadeva is the author of an extensive treatise on poetics, Candraloka, which, judging by the abundance of commentaries on it, enjoyed great popularity in medieval India.


Prasanna-raghava. Edited by K. P. Parab. Bombay, 1914.


Candraloka. Edited by V. Sastri. Palghat, 1912.
A History of Sanskrit Literature, vol. 1. Edited by S. N. Dasgupta. Calcutta, 1947.