Acronym | Definition |
ITS➣Information Technology Services |
ITS➣Information Technology Security |
ITS➣Information Technology Support |
ITS➣Information Technology Service (GSA, formerly IRMS) |
ITS➣Information Technology Solutions |
ITS➣Information Technology Service (SAIC) |
ITS➣Information Technology System |
ITS➣Intelligent Transportation System |
ITS➣In the Spotlight (Boulder, CO) |
ITS➣In The Soup |
ITS➣Internet Transaction Server (SAP R/3) |
ITS➣Intent to Sue |
ITS➣Intelligent Transportation Society |
ITS➣Important To Safety |
ITS➣Intelligent Transport System (NEC) |
ITS➣Institute of Technology and Science |
ITS➣Intelligent Tutoring System |
ITS➣International Temperature Scale |
ITS➣Information Technology Society |
ITS➣Internal Transcribed Spacer (ribosomal DNA repeating unit) |
ITS➣Institut Teknologi Sepuluh (Indonesian: Institute of Technology) |
ITS➣Integrated Technology Services |
ITS➣I Thought So |
ITS➣International Tracing Service |
ITS➣Inventory Tracking System |
ITS➣Iowa Telecommunications Services Inc |
ITS➣Intertek Testing Services |
ITS➣Information Transport Systems (cabling) |
ITS➣Instructional Technology Specialist (various schools) |
ITS➣International Trade Specialist |
ITS➣Institute of Technology Sligo (Sligo, Ireland) |
ITS➣Institute for Telecommunication Sciences |
ITS➣Integration Time Step (software) |
ITS➣Integrated Transport Strategy (various locations) |
ITS➣Islamic Texts Society (UK) |
ITS➣Institute for Transport Studies (various schools) |
ITS➣International Turnkey Systems (Kuwait) |
ITS➣Internet Technology Solutions (various locations) |
ITS➣Industry Training Services (various locations) |
ITS➣Initial Training School |
ITS➣Infrastructure Technology Services (various organizations) |
ITS➣Infrastructure Technology Solutions (various locations) |
ITS➣Industrial Technical Services |
ITS➣Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (Spanish: Sexually Transmitted Infections) |
ITS➣Internal Tracking System |
ITS➣Innovative Training Solutions |
ITS➣International Tax Structures (social network group; XING) |
ITS➣Instituto Técnico Salesiano (Spanish: Salesian Technical Institute; Guatemala) |
ITS➣International Transportation Service (Long Beach, CA) |
ITS➣Interpretation and Translation Service (various locations) |
ITS➣Insolvency and Trustee Service (Australia and New Zealand) |
ITS➣Integrated Truss Structure |
ITS➣Innovative Test Solutions (New York) |
ITS➣Individual Tree Selection (logging) |
ITS➣Intermarket Trading System (electronic communications network linking nine markets) |
ITS➣Invitation To Send |
ITS➣International Thespian Society |
ITS➣Incidental Take Statement |
ITS➣Information Technology Studies (course) |
ITS➣Intelligence Training System (US DoD Intelligence training; Goodfellow Air Force Base, TX) |
ITS➣Industrial Turbine Services (various locations) |
ITS➣Identity Theft Solutions (various locations) |
ITS➣Integrated Technical Solutions, Inc. (Lorton, VA) |
ITS➣Islamic Thinkers Society (New York, NY) |
ITS➣International Transcription Service |
ITS➣International Travel Survey (Canada) |
ITS➣Internet Document Set |
ITS➣Install Time Security |
ITS➣Information Technology Standards |
ITS➣Ios Telephony Service |
ITS➣Internationalized Tag Set |
ITS➣Incompatible Timesharing System |
ITS➣Image Transfer System |
ITS➣It Support |
ITS➣Intelligent Tuning System |
ITS➣International Telecommunications Society |
ITS➣Information Technology Service |
ITS➣Internet Transaction Server |
ITS➣Information Technology Specialist |
ITS➣Intelligent Transport System |
ITS➣Inflatable Tubular Structure |
ITS➣Iontophoretic Transdermal System |
ITS➣Integrated Tool Set |
ITS➣Interoperability Test Suite(s) |
ITS➣Indicator Light Test Switch (lighting) |
ITS➣Inmate Tracking System (wireless network; criminal justice) |
ITS➣International Trade Secretariats |
ITS➣Integrated Training System |
ITS➣Interactive Training System |
ITS➣Internet Time Service |
ITS➣Information Technologies Services (Maricopa County, AZ community college system) |
ITS➣Incompatible Time-Sharing System |
ITS➣Integrated Telecom Solutions (Sprint) |
ITS➣Indirect Tensile Strength |
ITS➣International Technical Services |
ITS➣Individual Training Standards |
ITS➣IOS Telephony Service (Cisco) |
ITS➣Interconnected Trail System |
ITS➣Internet Telephony Server (Lucent) |
ITS➣International Treasury Services (US Department of the Treasury) |
ITS➣International Theological Seminary (Bradenton, FL) |
ITS➣Issues in the Theory of Security (workshop) |
ITS➣Informationstekniska Standardiseringen (Swedish: Information Technical Standards) |
ITS➣International Telecommunication Society |
ITS➣International Teleproduction Society |
ITS➣International Total Services, Inc. (service contract company) |
ITS➣International Type Search |
ITS➣Independent Tribunal Service (UK) |
ITS➣Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley |
ITS➣Internet Technology Series (IETF) |
ITS➣Individual Training System |
ITS➣Insertion Test Signal (ITU-T) |
ITS➣International Telecommunication Symposium |
ITS➣Integrated Test Stand |
ITS➣International Title Service |
ITS➣Independent Target System (MILES Component) |
ITS➣Inter-Plan Teleprocessing Services (health insurance) |
ITS➣Impactor Target Sensor (Deep Impact cometary probe) |
ITS➣Initial Test Speed (tires) |
ITS➣Internal Time Slot (AT&T) |
ITS➣Intellisys Technology Corporation |
ITS➣Iowa Talent Search (Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa) |
ITS➣Inspection and Test Solutions |
ITS➣Index of Thermal Stress |
ITS➣Integrated Test Schedule |
ITS➣Information Technical Specialist |
ITS➣Influx to Surface (oil production measurement) |
ITS➣Integrated Testing Services |
ITS➣Integrated Teaching Systems |
ITS➣Intermediate Transfer Station |
ITS➣Interchange Transaction Scheduling |
ITS➣Instrumented TEMPEST Survey |
ITS➣Intellectual Traffic System |
ITS➣Interim Targeting Solution |
ITS➣Inner Thermal Shield |
ITS➣Inoculation Tracking System (TMIP) |
ITS➣Infinite Time Slicing |
ITS➣Institute of Telecommunications Standards |
ITS➣Interim Trainer Support |
ITS➣Interferometer Thermal Sounder |
ITS➣Intersectional Transportation Service |
ITS➣Information Transmittal Sheet |
ITS➣Independent Training Solutions Ltd (UK) |
ITS➣International Translation System (Sprint) |
ITS➣Imagery Transformation Services |
ITS➣Interagency Testing Committee Tracking System (EPA) |
ITS➣Interactive Training Simulation/System |
ITS➣Improved Tracking and Service (USPS) |
ITS➣Integrated Turf Solutions |
ITS➣Installation Telecommunications System |
ITS➣Information Transfer System/Service |
ITS➣Integrated Transition Schedule |
ITS➣Interim Transition Schedule |
ITS➣International Technology and Sensors |
ITS➣Imagery Transfer Server |
ITS➣Indianhead Transit Service |
ITS➣Institute Tengah Sawah (Indonesian: Central Rice Institute) |