Kasten fluorescent Feulgen stain

Kas·ten fluor·es·cent Feul·gen stain

(kas'tĕn foyl'gen), a fluorescent modification of the Feulgen stain, using any one of a variety of fluorescent basic dyes to which SO2 is added. The brilliant fluorescence makes this method unusually sensitive and adaptable to cytofluorometric quantification of DNA.

Kas·ten fluor·es·cent Feul·gen stain

(kahs'ten flōr-es'ĕnt foyl'gen stān) A fluorescent modification of the Feulgen stain, using any one of a variety of fluorescent basic dyes to which SO2 is added; the brilliant fluorescence makes this method unusually sensitive and adaptable to cytofluorometric quantification of DNA.


Frederick H., U.S. histochemist and cell biologist, 1927–. Kasten fluorescent Feulgen stain - a fluorescent modification of the Feulgen stain.Kasten fluorescent PAS stain - a fluorescent modification of the periodic acid Schiff stain for polysaccharides that uses one of the Kasten fluorescent Schiff reagents.Kasten fluorescent Schiff reagents - used in cytochemical detection of DNA.