(it's/that's the) story of my life

(it's/that's the) story of my life

This bad thing, or bad things like it, have happened to me frequently in my life. Often used humorously. A: "They decided to hire someone who has a relative in the company." B: "Story of my life, man." I can't believe another girl broke up with me because she wanted to date my friend. I swear, it's the story of my life. A: "Ew, I just swallowed a bug." B: "Story of my life."See also: life, of, story

story of my life, the

What typically happens to me, as in I rushed through the meeting to get to the airport, and then the plane was three hours late-that's the story of my life . This hyperbolic expression is generally used ruefully to describe some mishap or misfortune. [Mid-1900s] See also: of, story

it's the story of my life

If you say that something is the story of your life, you mean that something bad keeps happening to you. `We're making fools of ourselves,' Rachel said. `That's the story of my life,' Neil said. Note: This expression is used humorously. See also: life, of, story

it's (or that's) the story of my life

used to lament the fact that a particular misfortune has happened too often in your experience. informalSee also: life, of, story

that’s the ˌstory of my ˈlife

(informal) used for saying that something that happens to you or to another person is typical of the bad luck you always have: ‘I meet somebody I really like and she tells me she’s married. That’s the story of my life!’See also: life, of, story