Acronym | Definition |
AICS➣Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances |
AICS➣Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (International Conference) |
AICS➣Associazione Italiana Cultura E Sport (Italian: Italian Association for Culture and Sport) |
AICS➣American Institute for Computer Sciences |
AICS➣Allied International Consultants and Services (France) |
AICS➣Association of Independent Computer Specialists |
AICS➣Accuracy International Chassis System (rifle component) |
AICS➣Advanced Internet Communications Services Act of 2004 |
AICS➣Alaska Island Community Services |
AICS➣Air Inlet Control System |
AICS➣Acute Ischemic Coronary Syndrome |
AICS➣Automated Inventory Control System (replaced by CIMS) |
AICS➣American Internet Chess Server (now ICC) |
AICS➣Air Intercept Controller Supervisor |
AICS➣Associate of the Institute of Chartered Shipbuilders (UK) |
AICS➣Air Intercept Control School |
AICS➣Airborne Interface Control Subsystem |
AICS➣Advanced Intercommunications System |
AICS➣Autodin Integrated Communications System |
AICS➣Advanced Interior Communication(s) System |
AICS➣Avionics Interim Contractor Support |
AICS➣Artillery and Infantry Combat System |
AICS➣Application Identification Channel Signal (Tadiran) |
AICS➣Avaya Integrated Cabinet Solutions, Inc |