AICSAustralian Inventory of Chemical Substances
AICSArtificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (International Conference)
AICSAssociazione Italiana Cultura E Sport (Italian: Italian Association for Culture and Sport)
AICSAmerican Institute for Computer Sciences
AICSAllied International Consultants and Services (France)
AICSAssociation of Independent Computer Specialists
AICSAccuracy International Chassis System (rifle component)
AICSAdvanced Internet Communications Services Act of 2004
AICSAlaska Island Community Services
AICSAir Inlet Control System
AICSAcute Ischemic Coronary Syndrome
AICSAutomated Inventory Control System (replaced by CIMS)
AICSAmerican Internet Chess Server (now ICC)
AICSAir Intercept Controller Supervisor
AICSAssociate of the Institute of Chartered Shipbuilders (UK)
AICSAir Intercept Control School
AICSAirborne Interface Control Subsystem
AICSAdvanced Intercommunications System
AICSAutodin Integrated Communications System
AICSAdvanced Interior Communication(s) System
AICSAvionics Interim Contractor Support
AICSArtillery and Infantry Combat System
AICSApplication Identification Channel Signal (Tadiran)
AICSAvaya Integrated Cabinet Solutions, Inc