Jakub Arbes
Arbes, Jakub
Born June 12, 1840, in Prague; died there on Apr. 8, 1914. Czech writer, journalist, and democratic publicist.
Arbes’ literary activity began in the 1860’s. He wrote novellas (romanela) and novels on social problems in which a realistic description of life was combined with romantic fantasy. The novella Newton’s Brain (1877) treats the problem of war in the history of mankind. The novels Candidates for Existence (1878) and Ŝtrajchpudlici (1880) contain sympathetic portrayals of the life of Czech workers. Arbes interpreted social problems in the light of Utopian socialism.
Ŝtrajchpudlici. Prague, 1951.Romaneta. Prague, 1954.
Krejči, K. Kapitoly o J. Arbesovi. Prague, 1955.Moravec, J. J. Arbes. Prague, 1966.