Kettle Moraine State Forest - Lapham Peak Unit

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Lapham Peak Unit

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Wisconsin
Location:25 miles west of Milwaukee.
Facilities:Backpack campsites, picnic area, enclosed day-use shelter, butterfly garden, hiking trails (21 miles), bridle trails (5 miles), mountain bike trails (5 miles), ski trails (17 miles), observation tower.
Activities:Camping (including winter camping), hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, inline skating, cross-country skiing, naturalist programs (seasonal).
Special Features:The Kettle Moraine and Lapham Peak were formed 10,000 years ago when a glacier covered much of Wisconsin. A 45-foot lookout tower offers excellent view of the hills and meadows.
Address:W329 N846 County Hwy C
Delafield, WI 53018

Size: More than 1,000 acres.

See other parks in Wisconsin.