John A. Latsch State Park

John A. Latsch State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Minnesota
Location:12 miles northwest of Winona on US Highway 61.
Facilities:7 walk-in campsites, vault toilet, picnic area (é), hiking trail (0.5 miles).
Activities:Camping, hiking, snowshoeing.
Special Features:John A Latsch, a Minnesota businessman, was the founder of the IzaakWalton League and often fished in the Mississippi below the bluffs of Faith, Hope, andCharity. A half-mile hike up a deep ravine affords a grand viewof the Mississippi River Valley from these peaks.
Address:c/o Whitewater State Park
19041 Hwy 74
Altura, MN 55910

Size: 1,871 acres.

See other parks in Minnesota.