junctional epithelium

junc·tion·al ep·i·the·li·um

a wedge-shaped collar of epithelial cells attached to the tooth surface and to the gingival connective tissue; its coronal aspect forms the base of the gingival crevice. Synonym(s): epithelial attachment of Gottlieb, epithelial attachment

junc·tion·al ep·i·the·li·um

(jŭngk'shŭn-ăl ep'i-thē'lē-ŭm) Surface located at the base of the gingival sulcus. It is a cufflike nonkeratinized band of squamous epithelium encircling and affixing itself to the dental surface.

junc·tion·al ep·i·the·li·um

(jŭngk'shŭn-ăl ep'i-thē'lē-ŭm) Wedge-shaped collar of epithelial cells attached to tooth surface and to gingival connective tissue; its coronal aspect forms base of the gingival crevice.