Jamaica Festival

Jamaica Festival

Late July through first Monday in AugustOriginally called the Independence Festival of Jamaica because it ended on the first Monday in August, Jamaica Independence Day, the two- to three-week-long event now known as the Jamaica National Festival of the Arts emphasizes the cultural roots, conservation, and revival of traditional art forms by ethnic groups—particularly folk music, folk dances, and folk games of African origin—as well as nurturing contemporary arts.
Competitions to determine who will perform at the festival begin early in the year at the local level. After regional and national competitions are held, the best in each category are selected to participate in the final festival programs, which include fine art, photo, and culinary exhibits, music, dance, concerts, plays, and literary readings. The festival has been held in Kingston, Montego Bay, and elsewhere on the island since 1963. A film festival was added in 1977.
Jamaica Cultural Development Commission
3 Phoenix Ave.
Kingston, 10 Jamaica
GdWrldFest-1985, p. 121