Karl Bogdanovich
Bogdanovich, Karl Ivanovich
Born Nov. 29, 1864, in Liutsin, Vitebsk Province; died June 5, 1947, in Warsaw. Polish geologist.
Bogdanovich graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1886. From 1901 to 1917 he worked on the geological committee in Russia (after 1914, as director), and at the same time he was professor at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute (1902–19). Before 1919 he conducted a great number of investigations in various parts of European Russia and in Middle Asia, Central Asia, Siberia, and the Caucasus. In 1912–13, Bogdanovich made a major compendium on ore deposits and in 1931, another on petroleum geology. Bogdanovich’s work in Kamchatka (1895–98) laid the foundation for geological knowledge about this remote region. His investigations in the Kuban-Black Sea petroleum region provided valuable findings for the stratigraphy of the Cenozoic, partly Cretaceous, deposits in the south of Russia. His work in Middle Asia made a contribution to seismology and led to the designing of a tectonic diagram for this region. In 1919, Bogdanovich moved to Poland, where he became professor at the Kraków Mining Academy. During his last years he directed the Geological Service of the Polish People’s Republic.