Juab County

Juab County, Utah

160 N Main St
Nephi, UT 84648
Phone: (435) 623-3410
Fax: (435) 623-5936

On the central western border of UT, southwest of Provo; original county; organized Mar 3, 1852 (prior to statehood). Name Origin: From the Juab Valley, named by the local Indians, the Uabs, Yuabs, or Yoabs of the Piute tribe. Meaning is either 'flat, level plain,' or possibly 'thirsty plain.'

Area (sq mi):: 3406.28 (land 3391.74; water 14.54) Population per square mile: 2.70
Population 2005: 9,113 State rank: 20 Population change: 2000-20005 10.60%; 1990-2000 41.60% Population 2000: 8,238 (White 95.20%; Black or African American 0.10%; Hispanic or Latino 2.60%; Asian 0.30%; Other 2.90%). Foreign born: 1.40%. Median age: 26.50
Income 2000: per capita $12,790; median household $38,139; Population below poverty level: 10.40% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $18,028-$18,448
Unemployment (2004): 6.20% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.20% Median travel time to work: 23.10 minutes Working outside county of residence: 40.30%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Utah.