释义 |
in·vol·u·cel I0218600 (ĭn-vŏl′yə-sĕl′)n. A secondary involucre, as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel. [New Latin involūcellum, diminutive of involūcrum, involucre; see involucrum.]involucel (ɪnˈvɒljʊˌsɛl) or involucellumn, pl -cels or -cella (-ˈsɛlə) (Botany) a ring of bracts at the base of the florets of a compound umbel[C19: from New Latin involūcellum a little cover; see involucre] inˌvoluˈcellate, inˌvoluˈcellated adjinvolucel
involucel (ĭn-vŏl′yə-sĕl′)n. A secondary involucre, as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel. |