in your heart of hearts

in (one's) heart of hearts

In the deepest, most intimate part of oneself. In my heart of hearts, I knew that I didn't really love Bill—and yet, I married him anyway. A: "I'm so sorry that your daughter's modeling job didn't work out." B: "Oh, that's OK. In her heart of hearts, she knew it was a long shot."See also: heart, of

in your heart of hearts

COMMON If you know something in your heart of hearts, you know it is true, even though you are very reluctant to accept it. Note: The heart is traditionally regarded as the centre of the emotions. I suppose in my heart of hearts, I knew the relationship wasn't working. But in your heart of hearts, you must know that you're not going to save some of these children?See also: heart, of

in your heart of hearts

in your innermost feelings.See also: heart, of

in your ˌheart of ˈhearts

in your deepest feelings or thoughts: I know in my heart of hearts that you’re right, but I still find it difficult to accept.See also: heart, of