Iskusstvo I Khudozhestvennaia Promysh-Lennost
Iskusstvo I Khudozhestvennaia Promysh-Lennost’
(Art and the Art Industry), a monthly illustrated journal. It was published from October 1898 to May 1902 in St. Petersburg by the Society for the Promotion of the Arts, under the editorship of N. P. Sobko. It upheld the traditions of the peredvizhniki (the “wanderers,” a progressive art movement) and opposed the journal Mir Iskusstva (World of Art). Its purpose was to disseminate knowledge of the fine arts and the art industry among the masses of people. V. V. Stasov, M. M. An-tokol’skii, and V. V. Vereshchagin were contributors to the journal. It had a supplement entitled Khronika zhurnala “Iskusstvo i khudozhestvennaia promyshlennost’” (Chronicle of the Journal “Art and the Art Industry”; 1899–1900, 1900-O1, 1902)..