Ioan Bassarabescu
Bassarabescu, Ioan
Born Dec. 17, 1870, in Giurgiu; died Mar. 29, 1952, in Ploieşti. Rumanian writer. Corresponding member of the Rumanian Academy (1909).
Bassarabescu is the author of short stories drawn from the life of simple city people: the collections Novellas (1903), Eagles (1907), Happiness (1907), Fulfilled Desire (1918), Grandfather Stan (1923), and Mister Dinke (1928). Bassarabescu’s humor develops into satire when he touches upon topics of social injustice.
Opere complete, vols. 1–2. [Bucharest]. 1939–40.Prosă. [Bucharest], 1957.
Scrieri alese. Bucharest, 1966.
In Russian translation:
“Rasskazy.” In Rumynskie povesti i rasskazy, vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.