James River National Wildlife Refuge
James River National Wildlife Refuge
PO Box 1030, 336 Wilna Rd
Warsaw, VA 22572
Web: www.fws.gov/refuges/profiles/index.cfm?id=51621
Established: 1991.
Location:Beside the James River, southeast of Richmond, Virginia.
Activities:Hunting, hiking.
Special Features:Refuge is the largest summer roosting area for juvenile bald eagles east of the Mississippi River. As many as 2,000 eagles visit the refuge over the course of the summer. The refuge also provides a year-round roosting area for both mature and immature bald eagles and holds several bald eagle nests.
Habitats: 4,200 acres of river and riparian areas with upland hardwood forests of elm, gum, and oak, and softwood loblolly pine.
Access: Reservation only; contact refuge office.
Wild life: Bald eagles, songbirds, raptors, shad, striped bass, beaver, red fox, and opossum.
See other parks in Virginia.