Juan de Timoneda
Timoneda, Juan de
Born circa 1490 in Valencia; died there 1583. Spanish writer, humanist, and publisher.
Timoneda was a playwright of the school of L. de Rueda, whose works he published. He is known mainly for his plays Amphitrion (1559), The Twins (1559), The Comedy of Cornelia (1559), La Filomena (1564), and La Aurelia (1564). His other works include the collections of anecdotes, tales, and parables Sweet Dishes, or the Delight of Wayfarers (1563), Good Advice, or a Collection of Parables (1564), and Merry Tales (1565). All of these works reflect Timoneda’s knowledge of classical and Italian Renaissance drama. Timoneda also wrote poetry in the spirit of folk literature. His popular romances were published in the collections Rose of Romances (parts 1–4, 1573) and A Songbook (parts 1–4, 1561 and 1573).
Obras, vols. 1–3. Madrid, 1947.REFERENCES
Krzhevskii, B. A. “Sozdanie ispanskoi natsional’noi dramy.” In his Stat’i o zarubezhnoi literature. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.Sáinz de Robles, F. C. Cuentos viejos de la vieja España, 4th ed. Madrid, 1957.
Juliá Martínez, E. “Originalidad de Timoneda.” In Reista valencianade Filología, 1955–58, fasc. 5.