Iurii Petrovich DolD-Mikhailik
Dol’D-Mikhailik, Iurii Petrovich
Born Mar. 4 (17), 1903, in the village of Butenki, in present-day Poltava Oblast; died May 17, 1966, in Kiev. Soviet Ukrainian writer. Member of the CPSU from 1949.
Dol’d-Mikhailik graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Public Education in 1928. His work was first published in 1922. He is the author of collections of sketches and short stories, and his adventure novel And One Can Conquer Alone (1956; Russian translation, 1957) about the exploits of Soviet intelligence agents in the German rear during World War II was widely read and translated into many foreign languages. A sequel to the novel entitled With the Black Knights appeared in 1964. He wrote screenplays for feature and popular-science films, including They Can See Again (1948), The Bloody Dawn (1956), and On the Trail of Invisible Enemies (1955). Outstanding among his plays are Shchors (1938), Kotovskii (1937-38), The Great Law (1948), and The Borislav Tragedy (1954). In the novel Steppe Dwellers (1949; Russian translation, 1950) he depicts life in the Ukrainian countryside in the postwar years. Dol’d-Mikhailik was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals.
Vyshnevskaia, N. A. “lurii Dol’d-Mykhailyk.” Radians’ke literaturoznavstvo, 1959, no. 1.Ukrains’ki pys’mennyky: Biobibliohrafichnyi slovnyk, vol. 4. Kiev, 1965.
Istoriia ukrainskoi literatury. Kiev, 1965.