Iurii Prokoshkin
Prokoshkin, Iurii Dmitrievich
Born Dec. 19, 1929, in Moscow. Soviet physicist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1963.
Prokoshkin graduated from Moscow State University in 1952. From 1953 to 1963 he worked at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna. In 1963 he became director of a section of the Institute of High-energy Physics at Serpukhov.
Prokoshkin’s principal works deal with the physics of elementary particles. Prokoshkin studied the formation of π-mesons and discovered and investigated the processes of β-decay of pions and capture of pions by the nuclei of bound hydrogen. During the period 1968–72, Prokoshkin and his colleagues conducted experiments on the detection of antihelium-3; he was part of the group that discovered the Serpukhov effect in total cross sections and a scaling invariance in the formation of particles at high energies.
Prokoshkin has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
“Beta-raspad piona.” Zhurnal eksperimental’noi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1964, vol. 47, issue 1 (7), pp. 84–91. (With others.)“Obnaruzhenie perezariadki ostanovivshikhsia π-mezonov na iadrakh sviazannogo vodoroda.” Ibid., 1962, vol. 42, issue 6, pp. 1680–81. (With others.)
“Nabliudenie antigeliia-3.” ladernaia fizika, 1970, vol. 12, issue 2, pp. 311–22.
“Polnye secheniia vzaimodeistviia π+, K+-mezonov i protonov s protonami i deitronami v oblasti impul’sov 15–60 Gev/s.” Ibid., 1971, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 998–1005. (With others.)